
Friday, February 27, 2004

didnt have to go to school that early but nevertheless i got there at around 8pm...
wrote a card and gave a little flower to the teacher i was working with just to express my thanks and gratitude for letting me be apart of her yr2 class :) hehe
but basically what we did today was the boring stuff of teachers' work i think.. hahaha :D
first of all, we had to do a stock take of the 'maths stuff' they had.. man.. but i couldnt believe the resources they use to teach maths now is so creative and innovative.. with dominoes games, all these blocks, toys, etc... maths is becoming to look very fun! did a texter border for the heading of the mardi gras for the yr3s and stuck that onto cardboard... had a little break and then had to do the texter border for some of the work the yr1s did.. after that we had to work on the portfolios for the kindys i think.. hehe.. or preps.. lolx :D so cool.. their portfolio... i wish i had one when i was little.. i mean, jus tbeing able to look back on what u did as a child would be good.. but i must say i am amazed at the amount of resources they have.. laminator, stacks of cardboard, a really good colour printer,etc... but yeh.. anyway, that's wat we did for the whole day!!! to think that part of teacher's work is doing these mandane stuff! spent 7h doing it! 8am-3pm!!! hahaha :D it was nevertheless alright.. i guess it did made me think about teachers' work in terms of teaching but indirectly related to teaching.. like for the portfolios, well.. the stuff they put in there would consist of the things you taught them but the porfolio itself, putting where term1 is, the title, and stuff like that on it is not really teacher isit!!

had the interview with the principal today as well.. some really interesting things came up as well.. like how education and the way education is taught is changing and evolving all the time... and also how a teacher now not only educates or takes care of the academic side of the whole but has to incorporate and look out for the WHOLE child.. so in a way the role of a teacher is becoming pastoral... ehhehe :p n also how teachers are professionals but the way does not reflect that and also how parents have an INTEREST in educaiton but they don't neccessarily or shouldn't DICTATE how it should go because they are not the professionals.. also, how the school must listen to the parents because they are the clients and private schools in a way operate like businesses.. n how actually the way the children are taught is good and all and basically the kids are good kids.. you can't blame them if their parents are rich.. n they probably don't even know that their parents are rich anyway! but i really found out that the issue most concerning teachers is that of TIME! that's wat the deputy said and so did my teacher.. its like you have a set time to do things at school.. and it is just not enough.. you really need an assistant... even so, there are endless amount of things you have to do and you have to draw a line between when you think is enough otherwise you will keep going and doing.. the greatest misconception as verified by those 2 parties is the community seeing a teacher's job as one that is from 8-3.30pm.. and having lots of holidays.. in fact, the 6 week break that the students have, the teacher probably has only about 3 weeks because they have to go into the schools and prepare the classroom and stuff for childnre before they get back... and also teachers start work much earlier than 8pm and also finish much later than 3.30pm.. they leave the school between 4-7pm.. and often go back to the school during the weekends to do more work! teachers really are underpaid! which is a global issue facing teachers as such....

i dunno... just by my week at PLC, i really begin to realise how vast teachers' work is.. you can never really say just WHAT it is because it is defined through so many people in so many aspects..

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