
Monday, February 23, 2004

man.. should see how much fieldnotes i took at PLC today.. too much! haha :D anyway, here are my thoughts on what happened today...

1. the life of a teacher is pretty hard.. (7am till dunno wat time of the day.. with so much work to do and meetings to attend!)
2. a teacher always has to be kind, loving, gentle.. they speak in a really smoothing voice.. like even when ur discipling the kids.. its not in a loud agressive voice.. unno whether thats natural or comes the more you teach...
3. lots of wat teachers do has to do with parent interaction... before class parents go in and talk with the teacher.. and also how this one teacher was talking about camp n how they are meant to train these girls to be independant young ladies and how the parents interferred with their work so its abit hard to do their job.. and how policies should be written up for camps next year.. which leads to my next point of:
4. teacher's don't only teach, they do sooo muchhh more! was just thinking of it in terms of a ballet performance for an audience.. all the audience sees is that say 2h of ballet which alludes to teaching.. but just to get that going, u have to do so much.. prepare costumes, sell tickets, book the venue where the ballet is to be held, practice, meet and co-ordiate all the ballerinas n stuff.. be familiar with new theatrical arts, etc.... this also kinda leads me back to my 1st point which is

...the life of a teacher is pretty hard that's my conclusion i think... so tiring!!!

but i have to say the kids are sooooo adorable! they just wanna hold ur hand when you have to go in 'pairs' except i ended up holding 2 girls hands.. so that isnt exactly a pair... one wanted a hug.. i dunno... we're not meant to touch them n stuff! ^^ hmmz.. then a couple of them came up and told me that they liked me.. haha.. sooo cute!!! :) they ask for my help and ask what im doing.. they try guessing my age and think im in my 20s 30s or 40s! do i look that old!?!!! ^^ lolz :D
i dunno.. i guess maybe it's the kids themselves and the love for them that makesteaching worthwhile.... or maybe the passion for teaching comes first from the passion for kids?!

pondering thought: maybe teachers' work is not actually work.. perhaps being a teacher is being who you are and so teachers' work is just what you happen to do because of who you are... sounds so philosophical... i dunnoz hey...

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