
Monday, September 06, 2004

Went out with aunty beatrice, her husband n daughter... went to church and then they brought me to some yummy vietnamese restaurant! ehhee.. good thing coz i didnt have dinner in the niet.. was quite hungry actually!

At night was that performance.. where they played music without proper instruments.. it was quite interesting.. but after awhile it got abit boring.. maybe coz we were standing.. but yeh..

After that was the dance.. wasnt too exciting at all... left at about 9.30pm.. but on the way back i met my friends.. so we went to his room to chat the nite away... by the time i came back to my room it was 12+.. hahaha... the guy is the 'singaporean' that i know.. well. he's canadian and singaporean and he cant go back to singpaore now because he didnt do his NS... so yahz..

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