
Thursday, October 28, 2004

from Shermaine's blog... thought it was pretty interesting.. trust keat and sam to come up with these 'new words' .... was quite fascinated by it! :P

Keat's neW WorD = PraWn...
meaning :: Edible once the head is removed...
context ::You see a HoT bod wid an *aHem^dodgy face...you look at hiM...n whisper to ur fren..."waHH...he is sucH a prawn mann" [hahahaha]

SaMz neW woRd = MouLdy ToFu [inspired by Keat, original word-generator. His creativity meets no end... well some end.. but it's a pretty long way there.]
definition: incredibly unedible and to be chucked entirely into the bin
context: u see *aHem^^ passing by. u see her horrible body, accompanied by hereven more horrible face, and u say, "man, she's such a mouldy tofu".

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