Saturday, December 25, 2004
It was more of a relaxing day.. didn’t do anything much also because mel was sick and we wanted im to recover… anyway, at nite, mel had his relatives over for dinner.. pretty cool how they are close and all since they are also all around the same age.. dinner was good.. had the western stuff like turkey and stuffing and salad but we also had the oriental stuff like rice and roast duck.. hahaa :p really missed my family though.. and friends…
Anyway, at night we were watching this movie called “house of flying daggers”.. it’s a Chinese movie about this blind girl (who later turns out isn’t blind) from the house of flying daggers that ends up falling in love with this guy from the government (like both of them were pretending with each other and all and both of them are like from rival camps)… Anywayz, as usual, I do get kinda worked up during the movie and stuff but there was this really good twist at the end.. like I would have never have guessed the twist… fighting was rather unrealistic though but afterall, it’s a chinese movie rite? :p at the end of the movie it was already 12+.. didn’t feel like it at all! Read abit and then went to bed (but couldn’t really sleep I think its because I took an arvo nap).. oh wellz….