
Saturday, February 26, 2005

today was the state's local election and the referendum regarding the shopping hours.. i wanted to so vote yes, no and also vote against colin barnett and the water canal but guess wat! my name wasnt on the electoral roll... :(
anyway, so the lady asked me if i enrolled and i did.. and she asked if i voted in the federal election and so i told her i didnt coz i was in canada.. and she asked how long ive been back and so i said a month.. then she said that to vote in this election i had to be living in australia for the last 3 months.. so i didnt get to vote in the end... it would have been my first vote and now i dun get to vote till 4 years later... *sigh* but oh welll.... she did end up giving me a certificate of participation for going to the election... just in case the government authority come after me for not voting... so yeh... here it is! ;)

at nite was music prac, then helped natasha move house and then had a late dinner at 10pm.. i was starving by then! :p

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