
Saturday, March 19, 2005

was my sis's year 12 ball.. was also kinda bz that day getting lunch for her and then taking her to the hairdressers and stuff.. but yeh.. the ball was held at the grand ballroom of sheraton hotel... in the arvo, jap, shermaine, sherlene, jess and then later sam came over... all the hype of the ball! cannot imagine how much more hype there would be if it was a wedding.. it felt like my sis was getting married though.. but she looked really good!

anywayz, yeh.. sent sam and her to her fren'z place before she got picked up by the limo.. later in the nite, my parents came back so i went to pick them up and then went to sheraton to pick sam and her up and then came home.. by that time it was already 12.30ish... at aroun 1ish i had to send her and sam and one of her other frenz to the afters party.. which apparently later got broken up by the cops.. i could so see it happening when i sent her there.. hahaha :D but yeh.. jess drove them back later in the nite at like 3am in the morning..

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