
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

got another parking infringment today... so stupid!!!!

this is the story...
i have these red permit parking coupons right.. so what i hve to do is write the date on... so the thing is that i went to uni and wrote the 30/5/06... went to my classes, was happy and all... then i went to the computer labs and i was just reading my email which says i have to do this mystery shopping thing on thurs 1 June.. so i was like if thurs is the 1st then wed woul dbe the 30th whcih means today (tuesday) would be the 29th.. so i ran to my car and went to write out another coupon which says the 29th... went to IGA to buy some chocolate since its the last week of uni and i thought i would buy something for my students... anyway, went backt o park my car and richard was there.. so he was just talking about the snoopy on my car and how its good taht i got the red permit to park int he red zone... and then i also happen to notice the parking inspector there and so i was just saying how the parking inspector was booking someone and he was still telling me i have nothing to worry because i have the permit...

went off to lunch... during lunch we were talking about how someone's bday was on 30th.. and it was acutally in june but he thought we were in june but we were in may.. that was when i realise that may has 31 days!! and so i had put the wrong date on the coupon... so i rushed back to check my car and was quite happy that i didnt get fined and so i changed it back to the right date but after my class, i went to my car again to grab something and that was when i noticed the infringment.. it was all wet and stuff on my windscreen... :(

went to the unipark office to try and explain the situation.. like its not that i wanted to cheat the system and reuse yesterday;s coupon because i dont got to uni on mondays.... but anyway, it was that fat woman again (i think if you go to UWA you would know who im talking about) and basically she didnt really care and told me no point appealing.. better off that i pay the fine and at least get a discount for paying early... but man... $45 just for a silly mistake................

my parking woesss..... :(
so ive decided to take the train to uni and save some money on fuel and parking!

cry for grace....

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